Bethesda-Chevy Chase
High School
Class of 1966
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Kachig (Chick) Baboyian
Sharon Bates (Grimm)
Gaye Beavers
Karen Blumenthal (Steinberg)
Sally Booher
Lynda Boyd (Miller)
Susan Broudy (Grohmann)
Marshall Cohen
James Deck
Barbara Etheridge
Robert Fagin
Jack Finglass
Carla Fisher (Manley)
Joseph (Rob) Harris III
Claudia Herbers (Slate)
Wendy Hillman (Kaplan)
Paula Jacobs (Hesch)
Susan Kishter (Wilder)
Patsy Koonin (Harting)
Jeff Kushner
Joan Landau (Schweitz)
Jessie Levy (Trickett)
Joshua Magidson
Andrew Meltz
Glenn Miller
Stuart Mortimer
Carolyn New (Proctor)
Robert Newman
Nancy Orenberg (Hanley)
Eric Petiprin
Susan Porreco (Cardinale)
Roslyn Rosenberg
Ethel Seigel (Pustilnik)
Charles Shofnos
Innes Smith (Richards)
Maura Smith (Sullivan)
Alberto Soto Jr
Phillip Terry
Lorna Weissman (Elgamil)
Thomas Wilson