Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School
Class of 1966
B-CC High School - Class of 1966
Mr. Steele's 1965-66 physics class has been having reunions of their own every few years. In 2017, over half of the class, along with Mr. Steele and his son Colin Steele III, went out to Wyoming for the solar eclipse. A CBS News clip of that eclipse reunion trip can still be viewed at:
Mr. Steele turns 90 this year, and his class of 1966 is still honoring him. On February 18, 2024, 18 of the living 29 members of that class met in person and on Zoom for another "Mr. Steele Reunion" and early birthday celebration at his home in Winchester, VA. View photo collage here.
Photos of the 55th class reunion, held October 8, 2021, can be viewed by clicking the tab at left labeled "B-CC Reunion Photos."
MEMORIES..... Mr. Baron leads the cheerleaders during a pep rally.
The B-CC Educational Foundation welcomes donations from former students and friends. The Foundation’s Campaign for Academic Excellence provides a continuum of year-round integrated academic support and enrichment programs that promote high academic standards and success for all students at B-CC High School.